Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds
Your baby is growing fast! The first year, a baby multiplies his weight by 3 and his length increases by 50%!
Every baby has his own growth rate. This is why it is recommended to note his weight and size every month during his first year and as you see fit in the following years. Follow your baby’s evolution with our growth curve tracker, it is simple and convenient!
Growth Curves
Track how your little one grows, centimetre by centimetre and kilogram by kilogram. You can log both weight and height and track results against the standards. It may come in handy too at your next doctor’s appointment.
Note: The methods used by this application are based on an estimation taking into account information provided by the user and scientific knowledge/understanding in this area. The use of this application is at the entire discretion of the user and does not replace any formal advice from your doctor or healthcare provider. The user assumes any risk associated with using this application.