Baby meal planner 8 to 10 months

Baby meal planner 8 to 10 months

1000 reasons to stay on track
Jan 3, 2016
1 min

Around 8-10 months, increase the variety and texture of foods for your baby.

Consistency: Lumpy, textural foods promoting chewing and soft finger food

Introduce a range of temperatures: cold, room temperature and warm (note never give babies hot food and always test the temperature yourself before giving it to baby).

Amount: Up to 1 cup at meals and ½ cup snacks

Breastfeeds: 3 per day

Timing: Before or between breastfeeds

Frequency: 3 times a day plus 1 snack

Type of foods: Increase variety of foods, add legumes, variety of grains and cereals, fruits such as berries and citrus fruits, and stronger flavoured vegetables such as onion, and harder to eat vegetables such as sweet corn, shredded salad greens, spinach, tomato. Introduce eggs, and ground nuts and seeds, as well as cooked milk products in small amounts.

Note – Always seek individualised advice when you have a family history of allergy, intolerance, coeliac disease or your baby is suspected to have feeding delays (such as tongue tie or physical or mental disabilities).



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