A child learning how to brush her teeth with her parents while she’s teething

Baby Teething Tips

Baby Teething Tips

Taste the Future
Nov 9, 2020
5 mins

Learn how to recognize teething signs, soothe pain, and prepare for teething with expert advice for parents.

Baby teething is a significant milestone in your little one's development, marking the start of their journey toward their first tiny set of teeth. As a mother, witnessing these changes can be both exciting and challenging. Teething often begins around six months of age, although this timeline can vary for each baby.

During this period, you might notice changes in your baby's behavior, like increased fussiness, drooling, or even disrupted sleep patterns.

Understanding what happens during teething is essential to support your baby through this natural process. As the first teeth push through the gums, it can cause discomfort and even mild swelling. While this phase is temporary, it’s crucial to recognize the signs and know how to soothe your little one effectively.

Here we’ll explore simple and effective baby teething tips to help ease the discomfort and keep your little one smiling.

How to Know When My Baby Starts Teething?

Recognizing the signs of teething early can help you provide the comfort your baby needs during this milestone. While every baby is different, there are common indicators that signal the beginning of teething.

  • Excessive Drooling: One of the earliest signs is increased drooling. You might notice your baby's chin or clothing getting wet more often.
  • Chewing on Objects: Babies tend to chew or bite on anything they can get their hands on, from toys to fingers, to relieve the pressure in their gums.
  • Swollen or Red Gums: Take a close look at your baby’s gums. You may see redness, swelling, or even feel a small bump where a tooth is about to emerge.
  • Irritability and Fussiness: Teething can cause discomfort, leading to changes in mood or more frequent crying spells.
  • Changes in Eating or Sleeping Patterns: Your baby might refuse food or have trouble sleeping due to gum discomfort.
  • Pulling on Ears or Rubbing Cheeks: Babies sometimes pull their ears or rub their cheeks, which can be a sign of referred pain from teething.

If you observe these signs, it's a good idea to prepare soothing strategies and monitor your baby’s progress as their first teeth make their grand appearance.

Tips for Baby Teething

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, but with the right approach, you can help ease your baby’s discomfort and make this developmental stage more manageable. Below are practical and effective tips to soothe your baby during teething.

Massage Your Baby’s Gums

Using a clean finger or a damp gauze pad, gently rub your baby’s gums to provide relief from discomfort. The pressure from the massage helps to ease the pain and can soothe your baby almost instantly. This method is simple and doesn’t require any special equipment, making it a great first step to try.

Offer a Teething Toy

Teething toys are designed to be safe for your baby to chew on, relieving the pressure on their gums. Look for toys made of non-toxic materials and consider ones that can be chilled in the fridge. The cool sensation can numb the gums and reduce inflammation, providing extra comfort for your baby.

Use a Cold Washcloth

A soft, chilled washcloth can be a fantastic teething aid. Simply wet a clean washcloth, place it in the refrigerator for a short time, and let your baby chew on it. The cold fabric not only alleviates pain but also absorbs some of the excess drool, keeping your baby more comfortable.

Provide Chilled Foods

For babies who have started solid foods, chilled items like yogurt, applesauce, or a cold slice of cucumber can help soothe sore gums. These snacks not only provide relief but are also a healthy and tasty distraction for your little one. Always supervise them to ensure safe eating.

Use Over-the-Counter Remedies Cautiously

If your baby is experiencing significant discomfort, consult your pediatrician about using baby-safe pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Avoid over-the-counter teething gels with benzocaine, as they may have harmful side effects. Always follow medical guidance before using any medication.

Maintain Comfort and Routine

During teething, babies may need extra cuddles and reassurance. Stick to your usual routines as much as possible to create a sense of security. A calm and loving environment can do wonders to ease their irritability and make the teething phase more manageable for both of you.

These tips can help alleviate the stress of teething and keep your little one as comfortable as possible during this significant milestone.

A mother with her child after helping him with baby teething symptoms

How to Prepare for Baby Teething

Being prepared for teething can make this phase much smoother for both you and your baby. By having the right tools and knowledge in place, you can handle the challenges of teething with confidence.

Stock Up on Teething Essentials

Invest in safe teething toys, BPA-free teething rings, and items like silicone teething mittens. These can provide your baby with the relief they need when their gums start to feel sore. You might also want to have clean washcloths ready to chill for added comfort.

Keep Bibs and Cloths Handy

Teething often comes with excessive drooling, which can lead to skin irritation. Having a supply of soft, absorbent bibs and cloths can help keep your baby dry and prevent rashes around the chin and neck.

Learn the Signs of Teething

Understanding the common signs of teething—like drooling, fussiness, or gum swelling—will help you identify when your baby is starting this phase. Being aware of these cues allows you to respond quickly with soothing strategies.

Baby-Proof Your Space

Since teething babies love to chew, ensure that your home is free of small objects or unsafe materials within their reach. This prevents accidents and ensures your baby can explore safely.

Prepare for Extra Comfort Time

Teething can disrupt your baby’s sleep and mood, so be ready to offer extra cuddles, rocking, and soothing. Having a consistent routine can also help your baby feel more secure during this time.

Consult Your Pediatrician

Before teething begins, it’s a good idea to discuss teething remedies and oral care with your pediatrician. They can provide guidance on safe pain relief options and recommend the best ways to care for your baby’s emerging teeth.

With a little preparation, you can turn teething into a manageable milestone, ensuring your baby stays comfortable and happy as they grow.



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