Third Trimester

Third Trimester

Third Trimester

Taste the Future
Mar 2, 2016
2 mins

As your due date approaches, prenatal classes are a great way to prepare for the birth – and break through your fears. Many women take their partners with them.

Most expectant mothers eagerly await their baby’s birth but dread labour and delivery. Why? Fear of pain is a big reason. Birthing classes can help you work through these fears in a positive way.

Learn how to handle pain
There will be pain with labour. But if you understand why – and how normal it is – you may be able to manage it better. Certain techniques you may learn in antenatal classes, such as massage or the use of a TENS machine, may also block pain sensations from reaching the brain.   There are many pain relief options and you should discuss them all with your treating doctor. It’s a good idea to have a rough birthing plan together so that when you go into labour you can concentrate on the job at hand.

Find a class
Your healthcare practitioner may direct you to local classes. Check the credentials of the presenter so you know you’re getting good advice. Book in early to make sure you get a place – don’t leave it until your third trimester of pregnancy.

Build your confidence
One of the aims of prepared childbirth is to teach you that you can give birth successfully even though you’ve never done it before. If you feel wobbly, breathing and relaxation techniques you may learn during your third trimester at your antenatal class can help you break the cycle of fear, tension and pain.

Involve your partner
Your partner can play an important role in providing you with physical and emotional support. Including them in all the doctors appointments and birthing classes will mean they too are more prepared when the time comes.

What kind of class should you do?
Any of the following classes may help you get up to speed with childbirth and parenting:

· birth and labour classes

· prenatal care

· breastfeeding

· parenting skills

Check with your hospital, they often run these classes you can attend.




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