Breast Milk Proteins - Protein Quality and Quantity
Breast Milk Proteins - Protein Quality and Quantity
Breast milk is truly amazing! Did you know that the composition of breast milk changes depending on the age of your baby?
Breast milk is truly amazing! Did you know that the composition of breast milk changes depending on the age of your baby? This is because you baby’s growth and development needs change over time. The crucial element that adjusts in response to these changes in growth is PROTEIN. When very young, your baby will drink small quantities of breast milk, so during this time, the protein content per 100mL of breast milk is high to ensure your baby’s rapid growth is supported. As your baby gets older, they will drink larger quantities of breast milk so the protein content per 100mL goes down to continue ensuring that your baby’s growth and development needs are met.
Protein is made of smaller components called amino acids. Each amino acid plays a specific role in your baby’s health and development and, because of this, they are each required in specific quantities. It is the combination of these amino acids in just the right quantities that defines the quality of proteins. It is the unique quality and quantity of breast milk protein that makes it so special.
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