Breastfeeding comebacks for unwanted questions
Fed up of everyone having an opinion on your breastfeeding? This list reads what NOT to say to a breastfeeding mom. While the answer to any of these could be “It’s none of your business!”, we thought you’d like a few more breastfeeding comebacks to have up your sleeve. Here are five ways to shut down those annoying breastfeeding questions.
- Do you want to breastfeed somewhere more private?
There is no shame in breastfeeding in public! It is natural to feed your baby when they’re hungry. Everyone else’s feelings are unimportant. Reply with “I’m more than happy here, thank you. You don’t have to watch us.”
- Do you want a cover while you breastfeed?
No, you don’t. This is another classic attempt to shame you while breastfeeding in public! It’s entirely up to you if you want to use a breastfeeding cover. It’s not your responsibility if this makes others feel awkward. That’s their issue. Simply say, “We’re more comfortable like this, thank you. Feel free to move elsewhere if you’re unhappy about it.”
- Is your baby still hungry?
Breastfed babies eat more often than babies on formula, as human milk is digested more easily. Shut them down with this breastfeeding comeback: “My baby will finish breastfeeding when he’s had enough, and he’ll let me know when he’s hungry again.”
- If you offer your baby a bottle, you know they’ll never breastfeed again?
It is entirely possible for you to breastfeed AND bottle-feed your baby. This technique is called combination feeding, or mixed feeding, where you breastfeed and supplement with formula at different feedings. Breast milk is produced on a supply and demand basis, so it’s important that your breast milk supply is established first. For help on combination feeding, see our checklist here. Shut down the conversation by answering “We’re following a proven method called combination feeding, and it’s going great.”
- Are you still breastfeeding?
Some judgmental person thinks your baby is too old to breastfeed—how helpful. The World Health Organization recommends that you continue breastfeeding up to two years and beyond. And you can choose extended breastfeeding for as long as you and your baby wish to do so. Tell them “Yes, we are still breastfeeding. Isn’t it wonderful that I’m continuing to feed and nurture my baby?”
https://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2011/breastfeeding_20110115/en/ (Accessed July 2020)
https://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/infantfeeding/9789241597494.pdf (Accessed July 2020)