Planet-saving tips for an eco-friendly baby
Planet-saving tips for an eco-friendly baby
Saving the planet doesn’t have to stop because you’ve had a baby. Yes, they’re a teeny bundle of mess-creating, gadget-needing joy. But we’ve got a list of simple eco-friendly baby tips, from eco toys to biodegradable diapers, to help you live a greener life.
- Choose eco toys made of wood, natural rubber or plant-based bioplastic.
- Consider shopping for bamboo baby bowls, spoons, and cups. Eco-friendly and stylish.
- Try swapping to biodegradable bin-bags and diaper bags.
- Consider switching to eco-friendly diapers or biodegradable diapers.
- Try cotton balls or washable flannels for changing time at home (it may be harder to avoid using wipes out and about, so biodegradable baby wipes will come in handy).
- Have a go at mixing up your own cleaning products using things like vinegar and bicarb of soda.
- Go for a stroll in your local park.
- Take a trip to the farm—urban farms are great if you live in a city.
- Spend time in your garden (if you’re lucky enough to have one!)
- Try growing your own! Even a window box of tomatoes is a great start.
- Shop from your local butcher, baker, greengrocer, and farmers’ market if possible.
- Swap to a milk delivery service—it’s local and avoids plastic bottles.
- Check out your local charity shops. They’re a treasure trove of everything from clothes to books and furniture.
- Upcycling can be a fun family project.
- Avoid too much screen time, particularly towards the end of the day.
- Adjust your lighting according to the time of day.
- Aim for bright, open curtains and blinds in the daytime, and keep things dim at night—it can help get baby into a good sleep routine.
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