What To Pack for Hospital
What To Pack for Hospital
Your due date is just around the corner. It’s time to pack your bag for the hospital. Don’t forget to include something to wear when people come to admire your little miracle.
Use our checklist to make sure nothing slips your mind.
Checklist: in your hospital bag
Everyday clothes
- 6 button-up shirts (to make it easy to breastfeed)
- 2 or 3 comfortable dresses or trousers
- 1 jumper, jacket or cardigan
- 3 or 4 pairs of socks + slippers
- 2 feeding bras + feeding cushion
- Pack of thick sanitary pads and breast pads
- 2 pairs of pyjamas
- 1 dressing gown
Everything else
- 1 toiletries bag with your face and body products
- Camera
- 1 bag for dirty laundry
Checklist: for your new baby
- 6 sleepsuits
- 6 baby wraps
- Nappies (if your hospital doesn’t provide them)
- Socks and beanie
- Infant car seat for when they go home
Why not use our Checklist tool to add your own items to our list!
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