Week 14
Your baby is about the size of a grapefruit! Have you felt her move or kick yet? If not, you should be able to in the next weeks! Read more about this exciting time.
This week your baby’s sense of touch falls into place. She is able to open her mouth, and even to frown! Her legs are longer than her arms. And with a dermis under the epidermis, her skin is continuing to develop. Her thyroid works and is now manufacturing thyroid hormone. From this week, your baby starts to get a whole lot more active inside you. If you haven’t felt her move yet, you will soon.
If you’re feeling good right now, and a lot of women do during their second trimester, take advantage of it. This is a great time to travel, to do things with your partner. You might not be able to do it later on in your pregnancy. It is also the perfect time to reward yourself – with a visit to the hairdresser, or an evening out with friends. You got over the first hurdle! So whatever is fun for you, take the time to treat yourself.
Satisfying sugar cravings during pregnancy requires a little more creativity than it normally would, especially if yours seem stronger than usual. There is no harm in eating desserts, as long as you don’t overdo it. To satisfy your sweet tooth while meeting your nutritional needs, choose fresh fruit, desserts made with milk, plain lowfat to fat-free yoghurt (0%), and dried fruits. Sugar is good for your health, it is even an excellent source of energy – refined sugar is not. Pregnancy is a beautiful time, it is essential to have some fun! But…moderation is key. Instead of ice cream, indulge in sorbets or frozen yoghurt .
Thinking about going on holiday and wondering if you can? No problem. Going on holiday in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy is fine. You can still move quite normally and do almost everything you want. Things to think about: On car journeys, remember to stop for a break every two hours. That usually happens anyway, since you drink more liquid than usual. You shouldn’t sit for too long with your legs at an angle. Pregnancy can make it easier for a thrombosis to form. And you should stand up frequently, especially if flying (flying is okay until the seventh month). While travel to hot countries is not risky in itself, it can be less pleasant with a swollen belly. Remember that medical services and hygienic conditions are often not as good as conditions at home. There may be a danger of infection.
Please note: If injections are necessary or you need travel sickness medicine, this must be discussed with your doctor.